Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lansing Mission Trip

Hey everyone!

So my youth group is taking a missions trip to Lansing this week. I'm really excited about this, because instead of "going" to do missions (which is important too!), we're going to be learning how to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community surrounding us. We leave on Wednesday night, and your prayers would be much appreciated! We have a fairly small group going, which is also cool because we will really get to know each other and bond as a team. One of the cool places we will get to serve is Bless Fest- a Christian version of Common Ground. We will get to be "hosts" (which means greeting/talking to people/handing out information), child care helpers, food servers, and basically whatever they need us to do! I'm so excited about this opportunity to serve Lansing, and I would really appreciate your prayers. Thanks!



  1. Sounds like a great experience, Emily! I'll be praying for you guys!

  2. i'll be praying! i hope you guys have a wonderful time and that God works in all of your lives!!! :)
