Saturday, January 9, 2010


Ok, so apparently I can't remember to update my blog regularly...sorry that its been almost 4 months! Anyway, I'm not even sure that anyone reads this, but I like to think they do...haha =]. So what's been new with much! I'm not even sure where to begin! I guess I'll start with the vast change in my life that has taken place since Thanksgiving week. This Thanksgiving, I was on a short tem missions trip with a group from my church to Tijuana, Mexico. While we were down there, God really spoke to me and showed me how much I needed to change. I wasn't quite sure where to begin-it seemed as if there was so much to do, and I wasn't sure how to do it, so until Christmas break, I decided that no drastic changes were necessary. (I was wrong, by the way.) For Christmas, my parents gave me a book called Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy (*note- all girls should read this book. I do not care if you don't like to read, go to the nearest Schulers and buy this book, ASAP! It is wonderful!) I began reading a few days after Christmas and found that this book spoke directly to my heart. I had been struggling with a lot of the same things that Leslie writes about in the beginning of this book-public school, the pressure to have a boyfriend, the feeling that Christianity was just a title and I had no idea how to get past that barrier, plus loads of other stuff. She writes in the book about getting to know our true Prince-Jesus Christ. I knew that was something I wanted to do, but again, I was unsure of the steps to take. I decided to start by really making sure I began to form the habit of reading my Bible. I wasn't sure where to start, but I decided to just jump right in...what an intense change! Disciplining my self to get up early on schoool mornings, ect...I know I'm writing like I'm an old pro at this, and I'm not meaning to. It's just I've started to depend on that, every morning! So...yeah. That's what I've been up to. It's only been a week, but it feels like a REALLY long time! Every day I'm learning something new about the vast characteristics of our true King.

Anyway, in a nutshell, I feel like I've taken a leap of faith- sink or swim, I'm diving in. (Check out Steven Curtis Chapman's song Dive-I stole that last line from it. Its a fantastic song, by the way!)



  1. that's awesome, Emily. :) i've recently had God showing me lots of areas i need to change, and He's used Eric and Leslie's books to be extremely helpful in this process. :)

  2. Emily, you are not alone. God is working in so many people's hearts (including mine). I know He has a plan for our generation. Also, The Ludy's books are fabulous - such an encouragement!
    P.S. I love that song!

  3. Em, that's so amazing! I am so excited for you and I'm constantly praying for you. I love you so much!

  4. Hey Em!
    Great to see you update your blog... I've checked it regularly for... let's see.. 4 months =D We really miss you guys. I'm so glad to hear about how God is working in your life. It is pretty amazing when he puts resources in our lives at just the right time isn't it? I will be praying for you. I would LOVE to get together soon. DIVE is such a great song and I think it is cool that you are committing to waking up early to read your Bible. My New Years resolution was just to read a part of the Bible everyday... it hasn't happened everyday because I am very imperfect, but I am encouraged that you are trying to read it everyday too. I will pray that you can keep it up! Hope to talk to you in person soon, check out my blog for Calhoun family updates.


  5. Hey Emily!
    Isn't God just so amazing?! I am so glad that you have kept up in your relationship with him. Miss you and praying for you :)
    your friend,
    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 NIV

  6. thanks for your comments, guys :] I'm going to try to update this more regularly. Love you all, miss you tons!
