Saturday, July 10, 2010


I have forgotten this blog. I'm sorry. I'll try to do better! :[

Anyway, what's new in the life of Emily? Three things:
1. I moved.
2. I am going to be homeschooled this fall.
3. My dog had 11 puppies.

Now, you may not think that #3 really affects me right now, but when the MOTHER of those eleven little goldendoodles is an out of control MONSTER, we have issues which involve me.
the MONSTER herself.

Right now, we have an issue. It is a 97-pound problem named Goldie. She is the mom, like I said before, of 11 puppies, each of whom she steps on/sits on frequently. She's totally oblivious to their existence, and so it requires total observation anytime she's with the puppies, which means that one of us is with the puppies for at least 30 minutes, every 2 hours, around the clock. Are you aware of how long 30 minutes seems at 1 AM? Very, very long.

So basically, that has been my major task in the past few days. Along with unpacking more boxes than you can count in a house that has no AC when it's 97 degrees outside. It's pretty much a joyride over here.

Peace out, girl scouts.



  1. I'm very glad about 1 and 2... every time (like 6 times per day) I drive by your new home and think of you. It's great. Just thought you should know. If you need help unpacking or anything else, just let me know. =]

  2. Oh Emily!
    Haha, I love it when you update your blog. You MUST do it when you get back from Barakel.

    I am sorry about your 97-pound problem named Goldie. Hopefully someday she will start to realize that her 11 puppies really exist.

    Can't wait to see you in September. =)

  3. Wow, Emily! that sounds like a nightmare! I'm so sorry about that! I hope the rest of the unpacking goes well and the mother of those poor puppies grows up a little [; I'm praying for you!

  4. Haha you guys are so funny :]

    thanks for the offer, Christine! I will let you know!
    and...Kenna? I love you!
    Andrea! Thank you for your prayers! they really mean a lot!

